Sunday 1 May 2011

Close ups

Here's the detail on the figures from the last painting. The larger child in the foreground was the hardest to paint for many reasons, mainly that the side of his face is showing and I wanted to do my best to get a likeness, plus there was the issue of changing his clothes from summer to winter and having no photo or reference to base it on (I did end up using my daughter's coat so I could get the right angle for the hood!) and finally it was just that he was so much closer than the other two and more detail had to be put on him.

The two background figures were lovely to paint. It's surprising how much the body language and the angle of the legs and arms are recognisable as the movements of these two children, who I know well. The dog running towards them is a nice balance to the composition, leading the eye into the distance. The colours of brown and turquoise also work well without being too in your face and eye catching.

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